Symfony offers a state-of-the-art foundation on which they can build custom features with ease. Not only that it offers the tools to build the features, it also offers an unparalleled debugging environment which also includes a birds-eye view over an entire request, starting from the configuration of the environment going to a timeline of the request showing all the moving…
As I mentioned in the previous article, I started web400 immediately after I finished web300. At that point I was in a winning streak, so, naturally, I thought I could beat this one, too. I had no idea how wrong I was…
We’re extremely proud to announce you that starting with today you can implement FOR FREE online payment on your shop, with our PayU Lite Magento extension. Sounds cool, right? For more advanced needs, our Certified Magento Developers Plus have worked on developing PayU Pro. These two extensions have been built as a result of our partnership with PayU Romania.
After a somewhat short holiday we finally found the time to properly discuss the solutions to our first CTF. In the following days I will try to shed some light on the solutions to Innobyte’s first endeavor in organizing a CTF competition, to talk about how my team and I solved (some of) the challenges and the ups and downs…
We have big plans for 2014, which is why we want you in our team. We have the challenges you need to prove your PHP skills and the fun you’re looking for while coding. We are looking for: – One Senior PHP Developer – One Middle PHP Developer – One Junior PHP Developer
The Idea: It’s Cristi’s last month at Innobyte. As he’s an awesome colleague (and we know that his heart belongs to Innobyte), he wanted to give us a present: Innobyte’s own Capture The Flag competition. Cristi has been to a couple of hacking competitions and a lot of conferences and both DefCamp and DefCamp Capture the Flag just stuck….
If you’ve ever used the Symfony framework, then you’ve likely used the Assetic Bundle, which uses the Assetic library to provide asset management tools. The bundle provides a wrapper for the Google Closure which compresses and optimizes javascript.