Two of the Innobyte team members, Cristi Datculescu and Florin Patan, will participate at the Percona Live MySQL Conference, in order to learnthe newest info regarding MySQL. Percona Live is an intensive two days summit about MySQL that will take place in London on the 24th and the 25th of October. At this conference the participants will learn how to…
Wouldn’t it be awesome to be able to shop for anything you want online, without losing so much time at the stores, among product sections, at the cashier’s desk? Wouldn’t it be even better if we had a wide variety of products, ranging from books to footwear or souvenirs, all in one web site that we could by with just…
Presenting you interesting web apps became some sort of tradition so we’ll continue the list with five more web apps we thought fit to be brought to the web developer’s attention for inspiration and to the attention of those who spend quite a lot of time in front of the computer due to the fact that they are truly practical….
Lately, we started associating the ‚change‘ notion with Facebook due to the never ending modifications and a few days ago, at the F8 conference, Mark Zuckerberg presented one of the most revolutionary changes of all: Facebook Timeline. Facebook Timeline turns the users profile in a virtual scrapbook and digs deep into his past. Finding what you posted in your first…
The Twitter Network has counted in 2011 over 200 million accounts and if you’re one of those who have one, than this article will certainly make you happy! Whether we like it or not, we must be aware of the fact that the Social Media plays an important part in regards to the success of web sites. Not long ago…
We have for you a new list of web apps that will make your life less complicated. Easy to use and more practical, the web apps come in handy more than a CD software that you need to install and will take time. With this thought in mind, we give you a few web apps that caught our attention lately….
We all know that SEO is an elaborate process that involves devotion, patience and, why not flair. Competition analysis, keywords analysis, establishing landing pages and even offline optimization require attention to details and need to be done carefully, without tricking the Google bots, but making the most out of every resource in order to get the best results. Of course,…