Alle Artikeln von INNOBYTE

Company Name Generator – find a name for your company

As you may already know, our dedication to web development goes beyond satisfying our clients and it’s objectified in the internal products we come up with. Our latest creation is the Company Name Generator, a free, powerful name generator with international usability. How it works: You simply push the „Generate“ button and you will be shown different names. When you…

Two new websites

We’ve recently added two new websites to our portfolio that, as usual, we are proud of and the clients pleased with. Kids Planet appeals to parents who wish to keep their children happy. With an interesting and interactive design, the website provides information regarding playgrounds, party planning and it’s also a great place to buy toys from, for your kids….

Innobyte Christmas

With the snow squeaking under our feet, the town glowing with Christmas lights and carols sung at every corner, it’s hard not to think about the Holidays that are knocking at the door. Among CSS, HTML, PHP, Magento, the Christmas spirit managed to creep inside Innobyte Team’s conscience. A hat, 15 notes with the name of each colleague written on…

What’s keeping us busy lately

As you can see in our portfolio, we’ve recently finished some new projects. I’m very proud to tell you something more about them, in the following lines. Lasting Consult is the company in the LASTING Group that is focused mainly on SAP/ERP Solutions offering specialized consulting services, ranging from expounding the business processes to training the final users and post-implementation…

Premiul cel mare

Şi-a fost Internetics 2009. Fără premii, că nu s-au dat prea multe. Am mers în Fratelli Studios cu o echipă numeroasă Florin, Şomfi, Alex, Sasha, Mădălin şi eu (Andrei), la care s-a alăturat Mihaela, Project Manager la Fashion Days. Am sperat la recunoşterea muncii noastre la trei dintre cele mai mari proiecte pe care le-am (re)creat în ultimul an şi…

Lovein relaunch

We have a new arrival in our portfolio, and it’s name is LoveIN, premium dating website in Romania developed for Swiss Venture. What’s so special about this dating website, when there are hundreds of them? This is not an one night stand dating website, it’s a website where you can find your soulmate or something close to your soulmate, 99%…

Hello! We are Innobyte.

As you read on the about us page, we are a team specialised in web development. We care about improving the web so we want to share our knowledge with you. We will speak on this blog about new web techonolgies, programming techniques,  SEO skills, design inspiration, projects we work on, and other interesting things related to web development that…