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Februar 2014

How to create a development environment?

By | Entwicklung | Keine Kommentare

Lesson 2 from „Learn symfony 2.4 tutorial“ : Creating a development environment Now we have a fresh symfony2 app. If not, please read the first tutorial about how to install symfony2.4. We can access the symfony2.4 application on http://localhost/path_to_sf_project/web/app_dev.php. But the name is not so cool, right ? We will learn in this tutorial how to create a local domain like…


Let`s start to learn symfony2!

By | Entwicklung, Spaß, Team | Keine Kommentare

Lesson1 – How to install symfony2.4 in only 4 steps? Step1. We need to install composer. What is composer ? Composer is a dependency manager for PHP. Just like PEAR for PHP. Or just like npm for node.js. Or Bundler for Ruby. Or apt-get for Ubuntu. You can read more about composer here. Download composer to your computer :


Why developers love Symfony ?

By | Blog, Entwicklung, Spaß, Team | Keine Kommentare

Symfony offers a state-of-the-art foundation on which they can build custom features with ease. Not only that it offers the tools to build the features, it also offers an unparalleled debugging environment which also includes a birds-eye view over an entire request, starting from the configuration of the environment going to a timeline of the request showing all the moving…
